New U

About Us

We are a locally-based resource that helps diverse talent in Tulsa to catch the creative spark they need to ignite their future personal and career growth potential, and develop the well-laid plans and tools to successfully reach their goals.

Our Story

We believe all people have the right to live their best life — especially those who have been underrepresented in places of success like the tech-focused economy that Tulsa is aiming to accelerate. As we equip diverse talent for greater success, we’re also strengthening Tulsa’s ability to thrive as an inclusive, future-focused economy and community.

Many people have the desire and drive to excel — in career, in school, in their passion projects, in life — but they don’t know what next steps to take to reach their goals. But that doesn’t have to be you.

We’re here to help you create the New YOU 2.0 — so you can live your best life

What Sets Us Apart

We are a locally-based resource that helps diverse talent in Tulsa to catch the creative spark they need to ignite their future personal and career growth potential, and develop the well-laid plans and tools to successfully reach their goals.

"We empower people to see themselves in a
brand-new, fresh, more powerful way than they ever have before."


We equip local diverse talent with a transformative personal and career growth strategy, so they are able to more successfully align their desires for opportunity with Tulsa’s growing tech labor market.


We envision a more equitable, diverse, and inclusive career landscape in Tulsa, through equipping local talent with the inspiration and tools to visualize and achieve their best personal and professional selves.

Our Core Values

Meet the Founder

Aaron Whigham

Founder and Managing Director of New U, and champion of creating vision and opportunity for all.

Thank you to our Sponsors

We’re grateful for strong partnerships that promote a growing, inclusive Tulsa community.

Interested in sponsoring or partnering with New U?

Let’s Do This!

Ready to become the New You 2.0?